MARION COUNTY — Nearly 5,000 locations held Wreaths Across America ceremonies nationwide in December, with more than 3 million wreaths placed on interred veterans graves. Shown are photos taken in Hackleburg, Hamilton, Bexar and Weston. The American Legion Sonny James Post 165 held a ceremony and wreath placement on Dec. 14 at Cedar Tree Cemetery in Hackleburg with assistance from Bikers Against Bullies NWA and BSA Troop 56 of Hamilton. Scout Troop 56 of Hamilton held a ceremony on Dec. 16 at the Marion County Courthouse with wreath placements at the city cemetery afterwards. Local veterans and Hamilton Mayor Bob Page placed ceremonial military service wreaths
at the War Memorial on the corner of Highway 278 and US43 and bag-piper Ryan Morrisonper formed. “We are excited to be a part of Wreaths Across America,” said Ruthie West Whitman, who took part with Gerry Whitman and Linda Stowe. “Some of the cemeteries shown include one behind the Rocky Grove Missionary Baptist Church in Bexar,
Memory Gardens and Cooper Cemetery and are photos of our beloveds. The Boy Scouts here in Hamilton assisted with these memorial services for our deceased loved ones.” To learn more about the na- tional program, visit Photos provided by Tim Howard, Jeremiah Palmer and Ruthie Whit- man.
See complete story in the Journal Record.
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