HAMILTON — The Alabama State Board of Education has named Hamilton Elementary School to the National Elementary and Secondary Education Act’s Distinguished School’s program. The state board passed a resolution congratulating the school on Thursday, Dec. 12, and the Marion County Board of Education awarded a plaque to the school at their last board meeting on Dec. 17.
The resolution states the school was
selected for Category 1 of the program, which is awarded for excellence in student performance and academic growth.
“We were pleased to find out Hamilton Elementary School had been chosen a Distinguished School,” Superintendent Ann West stated during the meeting. “Every year, the State of Alabama chooses two schools that represent the state as a National Distinguished School. In the last 12 years, Marion County has had three of those schools that have been
recognized. I think that is amazing.”
West stated the two other schools had been Phillips and Guin elementary schools.
HES Principal Gary McCarley accepted the award during the meeting, along with Sandra Loden and Lisa Wiginton, who he said were Title I interventionists.
“Mrs. Loden does third and fourth grade math, and Mrs. Wigin- ton does third and fourth grade reading,”
See complete story in the Journal Record.
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