By P.J. Gossett
General manager
HAMILTON — Thursday, Oct. 19, has been noted as “Purple Thursday” throughout Marion County. To show support and awareness of domestic violence, many citizens and officials were wearing purple throughout the day. While Purple Thursday has been observed before, this year the Marion County Domestic Violence Task Force distributed over 2,000 stickers and have placed yard signs all over the county.
The MCDVTF works to promote the services for the Safeplace shelter in Marion County. This year’s slogan is “Break the silence of domestic violence.”
“Our community partners have blown us away with their support - from the Bevill State nursing program in Hamilton, adopting this cause as one they encourage students to learn about and volunteer with, to the Hamilton High School Jr. Civitans designing and selling Purple Thursday shirts, to several of our local nutrition shops using our stickers on their cups, and even many of our local law enforcement agencies getting behind this cause and promoting awareness for domestic violence,” Kim Lolley, co-chair of the MCDVTF, said. “We are blessed to have leaders from every corner of the county come together to support this cause.”
See complete story in the Journal Record.
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