Love’s Travel Stop in Hamilton is the recipient of a grant from the state to install two electric vehicle charging stations. The only other stations in the county are located at the Holiday Inn in Guin.
HAMILTON — The Love’s Travel Stop in Hamilton, located off of I-22 on River Road/County Highway 35, will be getting electric vehicle charging stations thanks to a state grant.
The grant was one of 14 awarded by Governor Kay Ivey as part of $11.2 million being put toward building up electric vehicle infrastructure across the state.
Love’s Travel Stop in Hamilton will be receiving $656,166 to install two dual-port electric vehicle chargers.
According to Love’s, the charging stations will likely be installed next year according to their estimates.
“Love’s is pleased to have been awarded National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program grants in Alabama, to build EV chargers at eight locations in the state, including its location in Hamilton,” Love’s said in a statement. “These grants allow us to expand our current EV footprint to support the ever-growing and in-demand services for our EV customers. Once contracting is completed with the State of Alabama, Love’s will identify an installation date, which likely will be in 2025.”
Hamilton Mayor Bob Page said the new charging stations will be important in the years to come.
“It’s something that most every community would be proud of, because there are a number of electric vehicles traveling the highways now and they need charging stations,” Page said. “We’re hoping that electric becomes a better means of transportation in the near future and can provide cleaner air.
“We’re proud of the money that will be made available for these charging stations, and I believe it will be a real benefit to our community.”
According to an official release from the Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs, the grants were funded by the Federal Highway Administration as part of a plan to build more charging stations for electric vehicles to ensure drivers can find charging stations if they drive long distances on the interstate…
See complete story in the Journal Record.
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