HAMILTON — Before the Oct. 7 Hamilton City Council meeting, those present heard from Seth Dawson of Dawson Philanthropy, concerning his organization’s ongoing efforts to help with relief efforts in hurricane-devastated areas in Florida and North Carolina.
He said his organization would be taking supplies to the areas in full knowledge that boats would possibly be needed to get them delivered to those in need. He also stressed his team members would be keeping safety in mind as they went to help “our brothers and sisters in the south.”
Dawson and his organization have also been helping locally with various needs in the community for the last three years.
For more information on the organization and locations to drop-off relief supplies, or to make a donation, Dawson can be reached at 256-348-6471.
On Oct. 21, he noted his organization still had relief teams on-site in both states.
“It’s bad. And it’s snowing in North Carolina,” he said. “And it’s still flooding in Florida. We ask for prayers, please, for everybody.”
He also said he appreciated all of the donations of supplies and funds they’d received. “It’s awesome the community is getting behind us,” he said.
Other business conducted by the council on Oct. 7 included:
• Donated $2,500 to the veterans program to be held Nov. 12 at Bevill State Community College from 9-noon.
• Approved approximately $37,000 to be paid to Avery Landscape & Associates for a change order to replace electrical infrastructure to allow the installation of the press box and Musco Lighting at the Hamilton Track & Field Complex.
• Approved $7,750, plus $650 shipping, for the purchase of a 6 x 40 foot metal storage container to be used at the Hamilton Track & Field Complex.
• Adopted Resolution 2024-10-7 for a citywide Electronic Signature Policy.
The mayor explained the procedure would assist with helping to maintain policies and records online, as well as grant applications and procedures.
“We’re in the age of electronics, and it’s a digital society,” Page noted. “It’s going to be a way of life.”
See complete story in the Journal Record.
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