Tracy Estes Column

Representative named vice chairman of children and senior advocacy committee

By Tracy Estes
With the beginning of a new quadrennium in the Alabama Legislature, members are provided their respective standing committee assignments for the upcoming four-year term. Such was also the case for me, as I begin my second term serving House District 17.
Committee assignments are selected by Speaker of the House Nathaniel Ledbetter, who previously served as majority leader and will be replacing retiring speaker Mac McCutcheon.

Meaning behind words: Examining our National Anthem

To my own embarrassment, a recent event afforded me a few moments to do something I had not done in quite some time--contemplate the words and meaning of our National Anthem.
Invited to sing our anthem at the Marion County School System teacher in-service event in August, I actually listened to the words for the first time in what seemed an eternity.
As the words flowed across my lips and those in attendance stood at attention, the words had meaning like never before.

Estes among most conservative in Montgomery

Knocking on doors and shaking countless hands across House District 17 on the campaign trail almost three years ago, I promised potential voters I would honor the traditional values upon which this nation was founded.
I offered assurances I would remain faithful to the conservative principles still treasured by so many in Northwest Alabama. From the bottom of my heart, I am confident I have honored those promises. And according to a recent scorecard released by the Alabama Policy Institute, the commitment to what our district values has been noticed.

Alabama Legislative Session: What went wrong?

State Representative

Before discussing the numerous achievements in the most recent session of the Alabama Legislature, I am certain many in House District 17 would prefer to speak of what some might consider the failures.
In the minds of many across the three-county area, the two most visible and controversial issues yet to be addressed in the state would be the failure of any legislation involving gambling and the funding of construction of new prisons.

Estes opposes public funding of charter schools

MONTGOMERY – In light of a recent debate in the Alabama Legislature, Rep. Tracy Estes, R-Winfield, has confirmed his commitment to public education and his opposition to using public tax dollars to fund charter schools.
“Those who know me will attest to my long-standing commitment to public education, as a parent, journalist and former school board member,’’ Estes said. “Since returning to Marion County in 1991 to raise my family, I have worked closely with public education in some form or fashion and will continue to do so as long I have the health to serve.’’


From employer to friend

Rarely does one have the opportunity to publicly express his appreciation for another. Yet this is the opportunity lying before me as I write these words. What has proven to be the most difficult part of this process is now knowing what to say.
What began in September 1991 as a relationship between employer and employee has since evolved into a deep friendship I have since come to appreciate more than ever.