Like having patience with fishing pays off, officials are asking the public to have patience for upgrades to be made to the Marion County Lake that will greatly increase the useability, enjoyableness and longevity of the natural attraction.
HAMILTON — The Marion County Lake will soon be the site of more than $3 million in structural improvements after more than two years of negotiations directed by Rep. Tracy Estes (R-Winfield) and Sen. Garlan Gudger (R-Cullman).
The Hamilton City Council votes unanimously on April 15 to accept a grant from ARC to help fund alternative water supplies for the city. Shown are (from left) councilors Scott Robertson, Wade Williams, mayor Bob Page and councilors Sherry Armstrong, W. Ross Reed and Scott Tyra.
HAMILTON — The City of Hamilton will put up $309,813 to match a $309,812 grant from the Appalachian Regional Commission to fund alternate water supplies. The total investment is $619,625, with the matching funds coming from the city’s American Rescue Plan/COVID monies.
The AirEvac Lifeteam 45 is based in Fayette. This photo was provided by AirEvac with the assistance of AirEvac Area Program Manager Larry Smith, originally of Guin.
HAMILTON — Among the matters conducted during the Hamilton City Council’s Monday, Feb. 5, meeting was the approval for the renewal of the city’s Municipal Site Plan membership with AirMedCare Network.
Council Member Sherry Armstrong, second from left, is being sworn in by Judge Mark Hammitte, far left. Also shown is Armstrong’s husband, Hollis Armstrong, and her grandson, Blayne Armstrong.
HAMILTON — New Hamilton City Councilwoman Sherry Armstrong was sworn in during a ceremony on Monday, Aug. 7, at Hamilton City Hall.
The swearing in ceremony took place prior to Hamilton’s city council meeting and was officiated by Judge Mark Hammitte.
“I’m excited, and I appreciate the opportunity to be able to serve the people in our city,” said Armstrong following her swearing in.
“I don’t know how to thank you all. I will try my best to do the best that I can for our (city).”
Gender and identity politics have become the norm in national and state politics. Now it appears to be trickling down to the local level. After the Hamilton City Council recently appointed Sherry Armstrong to fill Matt Sims’ vacant seat, this newspaper quoted Mayor Bob Page as saying, “We didn’t have a lady serving with us on the council.” The paper reported that “diversity was a deciding factor.” As the country singer Jason Aldean says, “Try that in a small town.”
Hamilton Councilman Matthew Sims is arrested for the third time during his term as council member. The latest arrest is for missing a court appearance.
HAMILTON — Hamilton Councilman Matthew Sims has had yet another arrest during his term on the Hamilton council. This latest arrest was on Monday, May 1.
Sims was arrested in December of 2021 for possession of a controlled substance, just a year and a couple of months after the start of his term on the Hamilton City Council.
Sims was due to appear in court for the matter on March 14 of this year, but did not do so.
Council members look over plans for the track facility at old Munsingwear property.
By Louis Mellini
Staff writer
HAMILTON — Hamilton’s new Nature Trail and cross country track area have been getting new visitors and has been a hit with local residents.
During a work session meeting last week, Hamilton City Council members discussed the new success the city has had in bringing visitors to their newly updated nature trail at the old Munsingware property.
Marion County Superintendent Ann West speaks during the Hamilton City Council meeting on Monday, Aug. 1, at Hamilton City Hall. Also pictured are Hamilton High School Principal David Cantrell (left, background) and Hamilton Middle School Principal Norman Ballard (foreground).
By Louis Mellini
Staff writer
HAMILTON —Coaches and Hamilton school officials applauded as the Hamilton City Council approved phase one plans beginning the construction of the new Hamilton track facility.
This took place during a regular meeting on Monday, Aug. 1, at Hamilton City Hall.