
Bear Creek to have 24-hour police service

New Bear Creek Police officer Matt Morrison is sworn into office by Town Attorney Jeff Mobley at the town council's December meeting. Shown holding the Holy Bible is Town Clerk Kay Wiginton.
BEAR CREEK — For the first time in over two decades, Bear Creek is being patrolled by the town’s police department 24 hours a day, thanks to the latest officer hired with a $103,800 COPS Hire grant through the U.S. Department of Justice.

Hamilton PD requests pickup safety at elementary school

HAMILTON — During the Monday, Aug. 5, Hamilton City Council meeting, Hamilton Police Chief Jordan Carter spoke a few moments on safety issues regarding the pickup of children from Hamilton Elementary School.
The chief also asked for everyone’s patience at all the schools as they pick their children up after school each day.
“During the first week, we will have officers everywhere there is congestion,” he said. “We’re telling everyone to be patient. And we’ll make sure we have plenty of officers to help.”

Winfield police make their move

The old armory receives a fresh coat of paint along with the internal renovations. The canopy marks the police station entrance on the right side. The court entrance will be on the left. Some windows are still waiting to be installed.
WINFIELD — The Winfield City Police Department has now officially moved out of city hall and into the old National Guard armory building located at 700 Rock Ridge Road.