VFW formation meeting set for March 25 at HPD

HAMILTON — If eligible veterans throughout Marion County and the surrounding areas are interested in forming a Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post in Hamilton, they should attend a meeting on Tuesday, March 25, at the Hamilton Police Department Auditorium at 6 p.m.
VFW Post 5184 Russellville Commander Eric Reason and his post are sponsoring the possible startup and will be at the meeting to answer questions and provide guidance.
Reason apologized for having to cancel the previously set meeting, as weather conditions were not suitable for several officials traveling from across the state to attend.
Those officials, including the state commander, state members, recruiters and a bus full of goodies for prospects, have all been rescheduled for the March 25 meeting.
“The VFW has been around since the end of WWI,” Reason noted. “It’s a very strong organization in Alabama. It’s about veterans helping veterans, and doing things for veterans and the community-at-large. It’s a win-win for veterans and their communities.
“I estimate there are about 350 veterans in Marion County who are not being served right now by a VFW, and we’re hoping to find a few who are interested in forming a post, including some who are willing to step up and be officers and leaders."


See complete story in the Journal Record.
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