I am a strong advocate for support of truth and justice within the limits of my ability to do what I can. Yet the potential needs of today are far greater than I alone can act upon for a much more decent, safer place for the present and future generations to live and enjoy life more accordingly to the will of God. Jesus said in John 12:32,
“And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men (all people) to me.” The next verse says, “This He said, signifying what death he should die.” I need to tell you that the unbelieving (in the triune God) governmental leadership is bent on abolishing the faith community (Christian). You can believe this or not. It is real and is ongoing daily behind closed doors.
My appeal here is to everyone (volunteers) who are fed up with our governments at all levels of authority, from the top to the bottom, that have pulled the wool over the eyes of many voters, thus blinding them from knowing what maybe forthcoming. It has been mentioned by some lawmaker to build a new statehouse. Such is simply not needed, and I trust there will be sufficient public opposition to prevent it from ever happening.
Are you ready and willing yet to take a public stand against the direction our state and nation are going?
There is a dire need to reinstate the farm-to-market-road program as it once was in the past, but you don't ever hear anything about this from anyone. Alabama is losing a lot of federal money for such because of this failure to provide for this need. Another source of federal money loss is the failure to expand Medicaid. One other issue, with a dire call for fixing, would be the need to curtail the ongoing extreme waste in all governmental entities. If a pay item is used that is not an essential need, then it can be nothing else but pure waste. If I were calling the shots, corruption and waste would be the first to go.
I would be thrilled to be able to question the responsible authorities about why this and why that. I had a long lifetime career (been retired a few years) with the ALDOT engineers. If I was responsible for spending public money, we would indeed be receiving much more benefits for it.
In closing, I'm wishing for all of you the very best that life has to offer, with the love of God for all people.
Jack D. Pollard
Luverne, Ala.
See complete story in the Journal Record.
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