HAMILTON — The Marion County Extension Office partnered with Northwest Alabama RC&D will host its first Garden Expo on Oct. 10, from 4-7 p.m. at Bevill State Community College in Hamilton. This event is free to the public. Doors will open at 3:15 for contest entries and Expo registration.
Registration and vendors will be set up in the Bevill Business and Community Center (Building B). The welcome will begin at 4 p.m., and sessions will break out at 4:30. Attendees will have the option to attend their choice of workshops at 4:30 and 5:15. The options at 4:30 are Raised Bed Gardens and Irrigation presented by Bethany O’Rear or Rain Barrel and Composting presented by Bronson Lubresky. The 5:15 options are Seed to Plant presented by Jayne Luetzow, ACES Home Grounds REA or Pollinators & Pests presented by Lawrence County CEC Donna Shanklin. At 6:15, all attendees will meet back in the Business and Community Center for the final session on Landscape Design presented by Brian Brown.
There will be an adult photography and art contest, as well as a table display contest. The photography contest and art contest for adults must be a picture or artwork of garden related themes. The table display must include items from the garden harvest or a result of garden production. Prizes will be awarded to the winner in each of these divisions. Artwork and displays will need to be set up by 4 in order to be judged. Entries will be submitted at the registration table.
There will also be a photography contest for Marion County 4-H’ers. Photos should be garden related, ranging from harvest, planting, seeds, plants, bugs, pollinators and more.
See complete story in the Journal Record.
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