Christmas for Kids returns

By Louis Mellini
Staff writer
MARION COUNTY — Christmas for Kids has returned for yet another year in Hamilton and will aim to help kids in the community this holiday season.
The charity, started in 1985 by Sandy Sandlin, will start its 37th year this November.
The charity organization aims to help children in Marion County by having individuals donate money to purchase clothes and other items for families.
Up through this year there have been $892,899 raised in donations. Gifts have been donated to 12,176 children since the program began.
Each year, they spend $90 on each child. This year, however, the organization will spend $100 on each child.
Students at Hamilton High and Hamilton Middle schools purchase the items, and they buy mostly clothing items for those in need.
Applications have sizing on them. Individuals that want to apply can pick up forms at Fred’s Pharmacy in Hamilton and, once filled out, may drop off at Fred’s Pharmacy starting in November.


See complete story in the Journal Record.
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