Hamilton Area Chamber of Commerce President Ethan Mattingly, right, presents Hamilton Police Chief Jordan Carter with the “Citizen of the Year” award during “Dinner on First. >
By Kathryn “Chazz” Hirschfeld
Staff writer
HAMILTON — The Hamilton Area Chamber of Commerce held its annual “Dinner on First” awards banquet on April 18 on First Avenue in downtown Hamilton.
Besides enjoying a delicious catered meal, the guests heard remarks from state representative Tracy Estes, who noted how beautiful the downtown area was and how fortunate Hamilton is to have such a great location for the dinner and awards ceremony.
As a way to show appreciation to chamber members, awards are presented annually in various categories to member business, with the votes being cast online by the citizens of Hamilton.
A portion of the proceeds from the event, $1,000, was also awarded to the Hamilton Kiwanis Club, after their name was drawn from a list of non-profit organizations during the ceremony.
Businesses involved in catering the dinner included House of Plenty, Millhouse, Elder’s Tacos & Steak and Sweet E’s, with decorating and staging by Xtra Events & Parties.
See complete story in the Journal Record.
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