Winfield City Board of Education Harrison named Bus Driver of the Year

WCHS bus driver Jim Harrison (right) received the Bus Driver of the Year award from Winfield City Schools Superintendent of Education Chris Cook (left) for the 2020-2021 school year during the Winfield City Schools Board of Education meeting on Tuesday, May 10, at Winfield Middle School.

Staff Writer

WINFIELD - Bus driver Jim Harrison received the Bus Driver of the Year award for the 2020-2021 school year during the Winfield City Schools Board of Education meeting  on Tuesday, May 10, at Winfield Middle School.
“This is a special part of my job that I really enjoy. We’ve all had experiences this year--dealing with COVID-19--and dealing with a tough year in a lot of different ways,” said Winfield City Schools Superintendent of Education Chris Cook.


See complete story in the Journal Record.
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