Guin honors the first Black city councilors with plaques. Shown from left are city councilors Bobby Bellew and Kelee Williams, Annie Metcalfe (accepting on behalf of her late husband Cerrell Metcalfe), councilor Mineo Lindsey, mayor Phil Segraves, councilors Regina Salter and Joseph Benton.
GUIN — The Guin City Council honored two city council members for setting historic firsts for the city during its meeting on Monday, July 1.
The City of Guin honored late former councilman Cerrell Metcalfe and current city councilwoman Regina Salter as the first Black male and female Guin city council members.
Metcalfe served on the city council for many years from 1988-2004 and passed away in January of 2023. Salter was first elected in 2020.
The Guin city council passed resolutions honoring Metcalfe and Salter in February, when city hall also hosted a Black History Month exhibit. But the council realized they never recognized Metcalfe and Salter with their own ceremony and held one last Monday.
Family and friends of Metcalfe and Salter gathered at city hall to observe the ceremony. Before presenting their plaques, Guin Mayor Phil Segraves read the resolutions out loud.
“We’ve got a momentous occasion, that we want to recognize two individuals who are very important to our community,” Segraves said.
“Whereas, the honorable Cerrell Metcalfe was born on May 27, 1944, to Ned and Portras Metcalfe, who passed away on Jan. 20, 2023;
“Whereas, the honorable Cerrell Metcalfe was a member of the Cedar Grove CME Church, where he served as steward for many years, and he also served as associate member of New Hope Missionary Baptist Church in Kennedy, Alabama;
“Whereas, the honorable Cerrell Metcalfe met and married his wife, Annie Metcalfe, was blessed with two children: his daughter, Dr. Elbonie Idowu and his late son, Samuel Elton Metcalfe;
“Whereas, the councilor Cerrell Metcalfe was first elected to the Guin city council in 1988, and thereafter was re-elected in 1992, 1996, 2000 and 2008, totaling 20 years of service on the Guin city council;
“Whereas, through Councilor Metcalfe’s servant leadership, he served in various roles in addition to his service on the council, including, but not limited to, his membership on the park and recreation board as well as his regular work alongside the industrial board of the City of Guin for the purpose of benefiting fellow citizens of Guin;
“Whereas councilor Metcalfe’s presence provided residents of Guin with most every need including basic needs such as electricity in their darkest hours during the 1974 tornado, diversity when similarity predominated, as well as emotional needs such as unity when discord was in the air, humor when tension was in the air and friendship when strangers were in our midst;
“Now therefore, be it resolved that Mayor Phil Segraves and the entire city council recognize with great admiration and appreciation the achievements and contributions of the honorable Cerrell Metcalfe and extend their condolences to his family and friends. Adopted and approved the sixth day of February 2024.”
“He was a great friend of mine, and he was a great guy,” Segraves added. “Everybody loved Cerrell, and we’re proud to honor him tonight.”
Segraves presented Cerrell’s wife, Annie Metcalfe, with a plaque honoring her late husband. A plaque honoring Cerrell will also be put on display in city hall.
Segraves also read the resolution honoring current city councilwoman Regina Salter.
“Whereas, since 1926, the accomplishments of persons of African descent have been recognized each February through the United States, and whereas the month of February is observed nationally as Black History Month to recognize and celebrate the accomplishments Black Americans have made and continue to offer to this nation;
“Whereas, Black History Month acknowledges and honors numerous educators, scientists, pioneers, leaders, artists, inventors, entrepreneurs and elders with special ceremonies and activities;
“Whereas, the city council and the City of Guin and the broader community have benefitted from the service and talents of numerous members of our Black American community, and
“Whereas, our city will celebrate Black History Month in February of this year (which we did) with displays in city hall celebrating, amongst others, the late Cerrell Metcalfe as our first Black American city councilor and our current councilor, Regina Salter, as the first female Black American as city councilor…
See complete story in the Journal Record.
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