Bear Creek to have 24-hour police service

New Bear Creek Police officer Matt Morrison is sworn into office by Town Attorney Jeff Mobley at the town council's December meeting. Shown holding the Holy Bible is Town Clerk Kay Wiginton.

BEAR CREEK — For the first time in over two decades, Bear Creek is being patrolled by the town’s police department 24 hours a day, thanks to the latest officer hired with a $103,800 COPS Hire grant through the U.S. Department of Justice.
The town’s first COPS grant, which stands for Community Oriented Police Services, is helping the police department be able to patrol all hours of the day and night, with each officer working a 12-hour shift, according to Bear Creek Police Chief Eddie Collins.
The goal of the grant is to advance the practice of community policing, said Collins. “That’s what we want. We want to be community-oriented cops,” he stated. “We want to take care of our people.”
The COPS Hire grant will cover  three-fourths of the salary for Matthew Morrison for a period of three years, Collins stated.

See complete story in the Journal Record.
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