Phillips’ Hayden Dees skirts around two Shoals Christian players.
BEAR CREEK — The Flame from Shoals Christian rolled into town Friday night, Sept. 8, and came away with a near shut out on Phillips High School with a score of 52-7.
On opening play, it was noticed the scoreboard was malfunctioning, and the time was “kept on the field,” according to the announcer. Phillips received the kick off and began a drive on their 32-yard line, but on second down, the ball was fumbled, and the Flame was there for the recovery.
On their second down, Shoals’ Isaiah Shaw received the first honor of a touchdown. Phillips was able to stop the 2 point conversion, but the score stood 6-0, Shoals Christian.
The Flame put in another touchdown before the end of the first, and with a good 2 points, they kept the lead 14-0.
Phillips was forced to punt at the beginning of the second. This gave the Flame the opportunity to throw a complete pass to Rylan Pettus for the third touchdown. The 2 point try was no good, which brought the score to 20-0, Flame favored.
The second quarter was the Flame’s moment. Another complete pass, this time to Sam Storie scored a touchdown with a good 2 point conversion by J.D. Bachofer, making it 28-0.
After Phillips’ punt, Shoals Christian’s D.J. Shanes got a 72-yard run for another touchdown and had the honor of adding two more points, making it 36-0.
Phillips then turned the downs over when Shoals Christian’s Shanes got his team another touchdown. He also got 2 extra points, leaving the score at 44-0 at half time.
Phillips kicked off in the shortened second half, putting the Flame on their own 38-yard line. With a pass from Bachofer to Noah Aday, the Flame entered their last touchdown on the night. The 2 point conversion was good, stopping their score at 52-0.
A complete pass from Tidwell to Ethan Bailey put Phillips deep in the Flame’s territory during the beginning of the fourth quarter. Phillips was able to make it first and goal and successfully lighted up the scoreboard, figuratively. The honor went to Tidwell with a good PAT by Bailey. This finalized the score 52-7.
The Flame is currently number one in the state, according to Head Coach Brett Vick, who is in his first season in the position. Vick is also a Hamilton High School graduate.
Phillips will be at home again this Friday night, taking on Cherokee. Shoals Christian will be at Vina.
See complete story in the Journal Record.
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