Bond revocation bill will bear Aniah Blanchard’s name

MONTGOMERY – A bond revocation bill is expected to be filed for consideration in the upcoming legislative session.
Rep. Tracy Estes, R-Winfield, announced on social media on Wednesday, Jan. 23, that bill sponsor Rep. Chip Brown, R-Mobile, plans to file the bill, which would be an amendment to the state constitution.
Estes said he had the honor of assisting with the bill and that it has been named “Aniah’s Law” in memory of 19-year-old Aniah Blanchard, who was murdered after allegedly being kidnapped by 29-year-old Ibraheem Yazeed.
 At the time of Blanchard’s disappearance, Yazeed was free on a $295,000 bond for unrelated charges, including kidnapping, attempted murder, robbery and possession of marijuana in connection with an incident in January 2019.


See complete story in the Journal Record.
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