Christmas for Kids
Christmas for Kids returns
By Louis Mellini
Staff writer
MARION COUNTY — Christmas for Kids has returned for yet another year in Hamilton and will aim to help kids in the community this holiday season.
The charity, started in 1985 by Sandy Sandlin, will start its 37th year this November.
The charity organization aims to help children in Marion County by having individuals donate money to purchase clothes and other items for families.
Up through this year there have been $892,899 raised in donations. Gifts have been donated to 12,176 children since the program began.
Christmas for Kids canceled this year
COVID-19 has shutdown this year’s Christmas for Kids drive, which provides more than 400 children with christmas gifts each year.
Sandy Sandlin, who has led the seasonal campaign since it began more than 35 years ago, lamented the cancelation, saying that challenges incurred by the COVID-19 pandemic have resulted in organizing and executing the drive to be essentially infeasible.
The Marion County Department of Human Resources (DHR) has partnered with the Christmas for Kids to handle and review applications.
Charity within reach of goal
HAMILTON – For the week-period ending Wednesday, Dec. 26, a total of $35,454 has been raised for this year’s Christmas for Kids campaign—leaving the charity $4,556 short of its goal of $40,000.
With 2019’s holiday season winding down, Sandy Sandlin, coordinator of the campaign, said the charity was able to purchase 402 Christmas gifts this year. The charity spending $90 on each child to purchase gifts and clothes.
For first time in 35 years, children turned away
HAMILTON - For the week-period ending Wednesday, Dec. 18, a total of $30,122 has been donated toward this year’s Christmas for Kids campaign—leaving the charity $10,000 short on Christmas Day.
Christmas for Kids desperate for donors as Christmas approaches
HAMILTON - For the week-period ending Friday, Dec. 13, a total of $26,635 has been donated toward this year’s Christmas for Kids campaign. Sandy Sandlin, coordinator of the campaign, says this year’s goal is $40,000 to help purchase holiday gifts for more than 400 children—with just a week left until Christmas, the charity lacks $13,365. All of the money will go toward buying clothing and shoes for children.
Charity nearly halfway to its goal of $40,000
HAMILTON - For the two-week-period ending Thursday, Dec. 5, $6,305 MORE has been donated toward this year’s Christmas for Kids campaign.
This brings the total 2019 campaign to $18,985.
Sandy Sandlin, coordinator of the campaign, says this year’s goal is $40,000 to help purchase holiday gifts for more than 400 children.
All of the money will go toward buying clothing and shoes for children.
Among those who have made the most recent donations are:
• $200 - U Need Us (Hamilton United Methodist Church Sunday School class);
Christmas for Kids update
HAMILTON - For the week-period ending Thursday, Nov. 14, a total of $9,075 has been donated toward this year’s Christmas for Kids campaign.
Sandy Sandlin, coordinator of the campaign, says this year’s goal is $40,000 to help purchase holiday gifts for more than 400 children.
All of the money will go toward buying clothing and shoes for children.
Christmas for Kids update
HAMILTON - For the week-period ending Thursday, Nov. 14, a total of $5,400 has been donated toward this year’s Christmas for Kids campaign.
Sandy Sandlin, coordinator of the campaign, says this year’s goal is $40,000 to help purchase holiday gifts for more than 400 children.
All of the money will go toward buying clothing and shoes for children.
Among those who have made the most recent donations are: