Kirkpatrick responds to letter from Hamm

The Journal Record published an article that was submitted to them by Joe Hamm from Hamilton. However, his name was not on the article as required by the JR. I am told that it was an oversight, and I have no reason to believe otherwise. Mr Hamm’s opinion of me and his interpretation of my article is totally false. He is certainly entitled to his opinion, but that is what it is: his opinion. Nothing he said was based on facts.  
First, his definition of a feminist clearly proves that he doesn’t know what that means. I could go back in history to prove it, but that is not the issue. The point of my article was that women in Alabama are all in the same boat when it comes to our rights. If women are voting for candidates like Robert Aderholt who has never voted for a bill to benefit women, then we are all losing our rights to equality no matter who we are, what political party we choose, who we choose to love, what race we are or what our religion is.
I can assure Mr. Hamm that I have never killed a baby, nor does the Democratic party encourage such a sick idea. We do stand by the right for women to choose which is pro-choice.  We are pro-life and maybe even more so than the Republicans or the “Mr. Hamms” who try to mislead our message. It is not “pro-life” to take over 20 million Americans off their health insurance or prevent them from having coverage for pre-existing illness.  It isn’t “pro-life” to cut Medicaid and Medicare down to the bone for people who depend on it. It isn’t pro-life to vote no on a bill to lower the cost of insulin.  It isn’t pro-life to close down rural hospitals that have put citizens’ lives at risk because she refused to expand Medicaid. Pro-life doesn’t shut down medical procedures for cancer screening to thousands of women who can not afford health insurance.  
I do support Democratic candidates, and their gender is not an issue.  It is based on the platform of equality for all people. May I remind Mr. Hamm that Will Boyd is running against a woman for the Senate, and I would not vote for Katie Britt if she were the only one on the ballot. So, no, Mr. Hamm, my voting choices have nothing to do with gender.
Mr. Hamm questioned my position with the Democratic party. I was elected chair of the Marion County Democratic Party in August by a majority vote. I was elected as the District 17 Representative in the Alabama State Democratic Party in September at the conference in Birmingham. I do serve on the executive committee with the state party. If Mr. Hamm doubts any of my credentials, he can verify it with Ben Harris, Alabama Democratic Party, in Montgomery.   
Mr. Hamm is welcome to come to a Marion County Democratic Party meeting.  We meet at 6:30 p.m. every second Tuesday of the month at the old city hall in Hamilton.  Since he doesn’t vote, we will be happy to register him to vote and explain to him the platform of the Democratic party.  
Lynda Kirkpatrick
MCDP Chair/
ADP District 17


See complete story in the Journal Record.
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