Lawmakers need our feedback, prayers

In the upcoming days, our elected officials will be tackling various issues—many of them significant, such as a lottery, abortion, ethics laws, prison reform and our state budgets.
Our elected officials need insight to how their constituents stand on the issues that are before them. We believe we should be involved in telling them what we believe, what we value and what is in the best interest for our state and the counties and municipalities we live in.
We have seen cutting criticism of our elected officials as a result of how they have voted on issues over the past two months—some fair, some not. Many have condemned them as having not represented those who voted them into office.
However, we must remember that our officials have been elected not to just represent the majority who elected them, but they have also been elected for their judgement. They are tasked with using all the information and circumstances—some of which many are not privy to nor educated on—to make the best decision for their people.
Our elected officials have been neck-high in the political process for the last several months—they’ve heard the debates, they’ve sat through the committees and they have heard the criticism. They know the thin ice they walk on and that they are just one vote away from losing support from their residents and endorsements.
It is easy to objectify these leaders and demonize their intentions, but be it far from us to criticize our leaders without praying for them first.
We encourage our readers as the Apostle Paul urged Timothy, that supplications, prayers, intercessions and giving of thanks be made for all who are in authority that we may lead quiet and peaceable lives (1 Timothy 2:1). Remember, though, that the author of these words was not shy with his convictions when standing before the authorities of Rome.