
Article from relates to "Back Through the Years in Marion County" in this week's edition

These pictures are proof that the town of Bear Creek has city limit signs, as it has been accused of not having. Top picture shows Mayor C.S. (Boots) Tidwell standing beside one of the signs that are located at each end of town. Photo at bottom (left) was made last spring in the city limits of Bear Creek, and shows automobiles passing school students who are forced to walk the highway to and from school daily. The picture was not posed. Lower rght is a likeness of the key figure of the Bear Creek “speed trap” story, Police Chief Warren G. Miller. The Alabama Motorists Association has accused him of illegal traffic arrests and of collecting speed fines.
HAMILTON -- The following story was published in the Haleyville Advertiser on January 20, 1949. It is posted here in reference to a photo in the new segment beginning this week in the Journal Record titled "Back Through the Years in Marion County..."