Bear Creek

Street conditions and animal control discussed at Bear Creek

Large trucks are violating the sign pictured at right, and traveling down Bear Creek’s side streets causing damage to the roads.
BEAR CREEK — The Town of Bear Creek is sinking its teeth deeper into an animal control ordinance after a series of threatening situations, as well as planning stiff fines for drivers town officials claim are tearing up city streets.

Bear Creek to fine court no-shows

Bear Creek Police Chief Eddie Collins discusses the new ordinance. By Chad Fell
BEAR CREEK — One of the many negative, lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic is people failing to show up for court, bringing financial hardships on municipalities, which wind up paying for jail accommodations when the people are arrested for missing their court dates.

Bear Creek launches Project Be Prepared

Showing the close proximity of the Norfolk Southern railroad tracks to Phillips schools in Bear Creek, are, from left, Bear Creek Police Chief Eddie Collins, Mayor Rob Taylor and High School Principal Dr. Al Temple. They are standing on the railroad tracks.
BEAR CREEK — The time to think about catastrophic events-- such as train derailments-- is before they occur.

Friendship Festival coming to Bear Creek July 8

BEAR CREEK  — Independence Day festivities will not end July 4, in Bear Creek, as the Friendship Festival promises to bring patriotism at its best Saturday, July 8.
Organizers decided to have this year’s Friendship Festival on the Saturday after July 4, to not conflict with Hackleburg’s Neighbor Day Festival, which was held Saturday, July 1.

Phillips High School is in the game

Pictured is the Phillips E-Sports team, from left, River Poe, Mason Overton, Hunter Brewer, Daven “Dave-O” Smith, Tiden Butler, Aaron Grammer, E-Sports Coach Lucas Johnson, Wyatt Holbrook, Luke Alexander, Aidan Young and Maddi Donaldson. Not pictured is Zach Farr.
BEAR CREEK — Phillips High School’s first E-Sports team is up and running under teacher and E-Sports Coach Lucas Johnson this year.

Bridge dedicated to two Marion County coaches

Family members of the late Coach Billy Raper and the late Coach Alton “Monk” Romine unveil the sign naming the County Highway 79 bridge near Twin Forks Park in Bear Creek in memory of the two coaches.

BEAR CREEK — Two Marion County Schools coaches/
teachers who left a legacy behind for future generations have been honored by renaming the bridge over Bear Creek on County Highway 79  in their honor.