Winfield approves budget
WINFIELD — The Winfield City Council voted to accept the proposed budget for fiscal year 2024 during its regular meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 3.
The budget was a matter of discussion for several meetings as the council tried to figure out the best use of some of the surplus funds included in the proposed budget.
The council held a work session in September after a regular meeting to discuss what could be covered out of that surplus amount, such as the new police policy and training software program, or a possible insurance split to help cover the rising cost of insurance for city employees.
A few more items were added to the list of possible uses for the surplus funds, which would leave about $43,000 left in the surplus.
Council Member Jeanna Estes asked if the council was still thinking about covering the cost increase of insurance for city employees as part of the budget, which would total about $19,600 for the year. Estes also asked about a cost of living raise for city employees.
The council voted to cover the full cost of the insurance increase so employees would still pay the same amount, but did not act on a cost of living raise.
See complete story in the Journal Record.
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