May in Marion

Marion County Historical Society members are shown reenacting life in the 1800s. Mary Beth Hall (left) was a school teacher, Sharon Dickinson (center) was on the front porch peeling apples and preparing vegetables and Ryan Knight was cooking cracklins.

By Scott Johnson
General Manager

HAMILTON - The Alabama Plein Air Artists (APAA) are presenting paintings of local sites, landmarks and structures for the third year in a row.
Sponsored by the City of Hamilton and the Hamilton Area Chamber of Commerce, 75 paintings by 16 artists from across the state are adorning the walls of Hamilton City Hall as a part of the May in Marion County exhibit. The event was co-organized by APAA artist Amy Peterson of Birmingham and Andrea Clement Harbison of Hamilton.
The exhibit will be available for viewing through Tuesday, Aug. 31.


See complete story in the Journal Record.
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