Classifieds for 2/5/2025

• Male Siamese mix and a gray long haired cat, 205-412-4277;
• Long haired German shepherd mix pups, 5 months old, 659-667-1249;
• Border collie/heeler mix, female, 2 years old, 256-361-6866;


Business Services:

CJ’s ROOFING & HOME REMODELING - New Homes, Roofing (shingles or metal), Roofing Repairs, Foundation Repairs, Decks, Additions, Pressure Washing. Over 30 Years Experience. Alabama LICENSED Homebuilder. 205-570-1229 (4/2/25)

TOTAL HOME CARE - We do room additions, vinyl, siding, decks, electrical roofing and much more. Give us a call for all your home improvement needs. 205-412-5734 (tfn)

For Sale:
FOR SALE - 2 plots at Winston Memorial, in the Garden of Gethsemane. $1600 - Call 205-269-5527 or 205-269-4151. (9-1tfn).

FOR SALE - Home gym complete with bench, 2 sets of dumbbells and equipment. $500, OBO. Call 205-269-0219. (2-5, tfn)

Land for Sale:

LAND FOR SALE - 6 acres in Bear Creek, AL. 205-269-7021. (2-5)



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