Colton Vick, left, and his “Pop,” Kevin Lovett
By Kathryn “Chazz” Hirschfeld
Staff writer
HAMILTON — Colton Vick, 4, of Hamilton, said he was “having fun” on his first day of bike riding on his brand new bike. Colton had gone with his “Pop” to Walmart to get a squeak toy for a pet when he spied the bicycle. His Pop, Kevin Lovett (also shown, tethered to Colton) said he couldn’t resist a little grandpa spoiling. Colton’s Mom, Kayla Vick, noted later that
Colton was diagnosed with Fragile X Syndrome at 11 months old. According to, FXS is caused by a gene mutation and can cause intellectual disability, behavioral and learning challenges and various physical characteristics.
“I’m so thankful we have had access to help Colton thrive,” she noted. “From family and friends, to early intervention and NMMC Hamilton’s Outpatient Therapy, they all have played a big role in Colton meeting milestones!”…
See complete story in the Journal Record.
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