Marion County Pursuant to 40 CFR Part 403, the Alabama Department of Environmental Management is required to Public Notice any Industrial User that is in Significant Non-Compliance with applicable Pretreatment Standards at any time during the previous twelve months. This notice is intended to inform the public that NTN Bower Hamilton, SID Permit Number IU384700041, located at 2086 Military Street South, Hamilton, Alabama 35570, which discharges wastewater to the Hamilton WWTP AL0048372 was in significant non-compliance during the fiscal year 2022 by discharging wastewater in exceedance of the technical review criteria found at 40 CFR 403.8(f)(2)(viii)(B) and discharging wastewater in exceedance of the permit limitations in Part I.A of the permit.
Persons wishing to comment may do so, in writing, within 30 days following the publication date of this notice, to the Department at the following address:
Industrial Section
Water Division
Post Office Box 301463
Montgomery, Alabama 36130-1463
All comments must address issues that have an impact on the permittee’s ability to comply with the environmental law, rules and regulations. Commenters should identify the appropriate permit number on the first page of their comments.
Notice is hereby given this 13th day of September, 2023, by authorization of the Alabama Department of Environmental Management.
Lance R. LeFleur
SEpt 13