Kenton Steele (center) is shown signing with Bevill State Community College. Also shown are (from left) Hamilton Head Basketball Coach Ethan Lawler, April Franks, Kenton Steele, Wesley Steele and amateur athletic union coach Chris Brasseal. [Scott Johnson/staff]
By Scott Johnson
Managing Editor
HAMILTON - Kenton Steele, 18, has signed to play basketball for the Bevill State Bears.
With signing, Kenton, who is a 6-foot-6-inch small forward/ wing for the Hamilton High School Aggies, is fulfilling a life-long dream to play college basketball.
Kenton is the son of April Franks and Wesley Steele. He has three brothers - Talen Steele, Grantley Steele and Bayler Franks.
Kenton plans to attend Bevill State for one to two years with the goal of getting a Division 1 scholarship offer.
The Aggie plans to pursue a career in education and become a coach.
Kenton is concluding his high school career with more than 1,000 points scored, a 3.6 grade point average, a 23 ACT score, a member of the Jr. Civitans Club, the Environmental Club and a 2020 Wendy’s Heisman High School Scholarship Winner.
Reflecting on the achievement, Kenton thanked God for giving him the ability to play basketball as well as his family, friends, teammates and coaches.
See complete story in the Journal Record.
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