Sealed bid proposals will be received for the above referenced project by Mrs. April Franks, Executive Director of the Hamilton Housing Authority, at the main office located at 690 Bexar Avenue Hamilton, AL 35570 until 2:00 PM, September 10th, 2024, then opened and read aloud.
The project shall consist of the Replace of windows at certain units at the “Old Key Springs” Apartments located at 261 RIVERSIDE DRIVE, HAMILTON, AL 35570 . The project involves approximately 29 Units and approximately 150 Windows and Security Screens.
A Pre-Bid Meeting and on-site review will begin at the main office of the Housing Authority located at 690 Bexar Avenue Hamilton, AL 35570 on September 5th, 2024 at 9:00 AM. An Onsite inspection will take place following the Pre-Bid meeting. All General Contractors interested in bidding are strongly urged to attend Pre-Bid and onsite review meetings. Please note that the drawings require the renovation site to be reviewed prior to placing a bid. Units will be available for inspection.
The contract shall be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder in accordance with the rules, regulations and polices of the Housing Authority, and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and State of Alabama Bid Laws.
Only Contractors who are properly licensed in accordance with criteria established by the State Licensing Board for General Contractors under Provision of Title 34, Chapter 8, Code of Alabama, 1975, as amended, will be considered for bidding the work. All bidders shall show such evidence by clearly displaying their current license number on the outside of the sealed envelope in which the proposal is delivered. And a Copy of the Bidders License must be included with their bid paperwork. Licensing required by local municipalities shall be obtained prior to the execution of the construction contract.
Bids must be submitted on proposal forms furnished by the Architect within the project manual or copies thereof. No bid may be withdrawn after scheduled closing for receipt of bids for a period of thirty (30) days. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities.
A certified check or Bid Bond payable to the Housing Authority in an amount not less than five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid, must accompany the bidder's proposal. Performance and statutory labor and material payment bonds will be required at the signing of the Contract and the costs of the bonds shall be included in the Contractors Proposal. Other required bidding documents can be identified by reviewing the project manual and specifications.
The Awarded General Contractor is required to comply with the requirements of Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968. As amended, 12 U.S.C. 1701u (Section 3) and 24 CFP Part 75. The Purpose of Section 3 is to ensure that employment and other economic opportunities generated by HUD assistance or HUD assisted projects covered by Section 3, shall, to the greatest extent feasible be directed to low and very low-income persons, particularly persons who are recipients of HUD assistance for housing. Refer to Section 3 Clause within the Project Manual.
Plans, Specifications and Contract Documents will be made available via the following process. PDF Digital images of the documents may be downloaded and printed by General Contractors, Sub‑Contractors and/ or Suppliers. To obtain documents contact the Architect at jay@evansarchitecturaldesign.com and request documents. Please identify the project name and number above. You must also provide your company name, address, person of contact, phone #, and email address.
3rd Party websites posting plans are not endorsed; the Architect is unable to monitor, confirm and maintain websites that are beyond his control. All current information and Addendums shall be posted to a web share platform with the access link and notifications being distributed to those who have requested documents and provide their information to the Architect. The Architect will not manage printing and shipping of construction documents.
All Request for Information (RFI’s) and Product Substitution Requests regarding the bid documents shall be sent and addressed thru the following e-mail account: jay@evansarchitecturaldesign.com. The Architect cannot guarantee completion inquires via telephone. All email correspondence must be accompanied with the corresponding completed RFI or Substitution Form, found with-in the Project Manual. For a guaranteed response, all Inquires must be made no later than 3 days prior to scheduled bid opening.
Jay Evans, Evans Architectural Design
1823 27th Avenue South, Homewood, Alabama 35209
HYPERLINK "mailto:jay@evansarchitecturaldesign.com"jay@evansarchitecturaldesign.com
(205) 960 - 1074
Aug 21, 28
Sept 4