Quotes will be received by the Water Works and Sewer Board of the City of Winfield, AL until Monday August 17, 2023 at 10:00 A.M., local time, for the work according to Specifications and Contract Documents on file in the office of the Owner, the improvements hereinafter described. No Quotes will be received after the time set forth hereinabove; and the Quotes will be publicly opened and read.
The Quote Documents will be opened at The Water Works and Sewer Board of the City of Winfield on Monday August 17, 2023, at 10: 00A.M, 160 City Hall Street, Winfield Al 35594. If your Quote Documents are mailed, they should be received prior to August 17, 2023, at 10:00 A.M. at The Water Works and Sewer Board of the City of Winfield, 160 City Hall Street, Winfield, AL 35594.
The work of equipment, labor, technical support and materials for the Proposed Winfield Water System Critical Needs Infrastructure Improvements Project “Winfield Water Treatment Plant DBP Study”-DWSRF PROJECT NO. FS010243-02.
The principal items of work are detailed herein below:
• Provide equipment, materials, and labor to conduct a Pilot Study for Alternative Disinfection Method at the Winfield Water Treatment Plant.
Plans, Specifications and Contract Documents are open to public inspection at the office of Owner, The Winfield Water and Sewer Board, 160 City Hall Street, Winfield, Al 35594, or may be obtained from the office of the Engineers, Utility Engineering Consultants, LLC, 130 Southcrest Drive, Suite 100, Homewood, AL 35209 upon deposit of $ .00 per set.
The Equipment Supplier is hereby advised that TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE on this project and that the contract time of 120 consecutive calendar days total and noted restrictions shall be strictly observed. Equipment must be installed and ready for start-up on or before August 22, 2023.
The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all Quotes, to waive any informality in any Quote, and to accept any Quote considered advantageous to the Owner.
The Supplier shall note that funds for this project are provided through DWSRF (Drinking Water State Revolving Funds). All Applicable Federal Guidelines must be met.
Engineering Consultants, LLC. 130 Southcrest Drive, Suite 100
Alabama 35209
Phone: (205) 951-3838 * Fax: (205) 951-3839
July 26