Bussler JBAF’s 2019 featured artist

The Northwest Alabama Arts Council has announced that Christine Bussler, an artist from Fayetteville, Tenn., has been selected as the featured artist for this year’s JBAF. Her artwork will be featured on the 2019 commemorative T-shirt. Bussler, who is a self-taught painter, is returning to the JBAF for the fifth time.

HAMILTON - Commemorative T-shirts for the 17th Annual Jerry Brown Arts Festival (JBAF) are now on sale.
The annual JBAF is set for Saturday and Sunday, March 2 and 3, in south Hamilton at the spacious Tombigbee Electric Cooperative facility. Admission is, as always, free and hours are Saturday from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. and Sunday from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. The event is sponsored by the Hamilton-based Northwest Alabama Arts Council.
JBAF shirts are currently being pre-sold at Hamilton-area banks including First National Bank-Main Branch, First State Bank of the South and Listerhill Credit Union.


See complete story in the Journal Record.
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