BEAR CREEK — Continue your Fourth of July festivities in Bear Creek this Saturday for the town’s annual Friendship Festival to be held at Twin Forks Park.
Friendship Festival t-shirts make great collector’s items. Shirts from small to 3X are $15 and come in mint green and stone grey. Attendees can also purchase a t-shirt ahead of time at town hall to wear to the festival. Shown are Bear Creek Mayor Rob Taylor (left) and town clerk Kay Wiginton holding up the 2024 t-shirts.
BEAR CREEK — Patriotism will be front and center in Bear Creek on Saturday, July 6, as the town holds its annual Friendship Festival at Twin Forks Park, located off of County Highway 79.
The 23rd Annual Neighbor Day in Hackleburg will culminate on Saturday, June 29, with a spectacular fireworks display at 9 p.m. Festivities will begin on Friday, June 28, at 5 p.m. and continue Saturday, starting at 9 a.m. and lasting all day until the fireworks extravaganza.
HACKLEBURG — The 23rd Annual Neighbor Day in Hackleburg will be celebrated this year on Friday, June 28, and Saturday, June 29.
Shown is artist Missy Miles’ mural presentation board, which she recently shared with the Hamilton City Council. Miles will start work soon on the mural, to be located on the side of A Tiny Mustard Seed in Hamilton. Miles based her design on business owner Savannah Smith’s desire to have a “positive, welcoming and timeless” message for the mural.
HAMILTON — Local master muralist and artist Missy Miles of “Miles of Murals” has been approved by the Hamilton City Council to begin work on her 123rd mural.
Hamilton Area Chamber of Commerce President Ethan Mattingly, right, presents Hamilton Police Chief Jordan Carter with the “Citizen of the Year” award during “Dinner on First. >
HAMILTON — The Hamilton Area Chamber of Commerce held its annual “Dinner on First” awards banquet on April 18 on First Avenue in downtown Hamilton.
Foodland in Winfield receives damage outside when a surprise EF1 tornado descended.
WINFIELD — A confirmed EF1 tornado touched down in Winfield on Wednesday, June 5, dealing damage to businesses, homes, trees and power lines, but not causing any injuries.
The tornado spun up without any significant warning.
Kerry Adams of Craft Fire Department combs through the debris checking for hot spots.
HALEYVILLE — Firefighters faced many obstacles while battling a structure fire on Mize Loop in Haleyville Tuesday afternoon, June 4, including having to search for the home’s owner.
Hasten (left) and Robert Crow are shown after they met in France. Notice the communication wire on the ground.
HAMILTON — During World War II, two brothers from Hamilton, serving in different companies, just so happened to meet up somewhere in the hedgerows of France on July 23, 1944.
Emergency responders work to clean up after a tanker truck flipped over on I-22 near Twin during Monday’s foggy morning
TWIN — Three lanes of I-22 were closed early Monday morning, June 3, after a truck flipped over on the eastbound side of the interstate near mile marker 25.
Like having patience with fishing pays off, officials are asking the public to have patience for upgrades to be made to the Marion County Lake that will greatly increase the useability, enjoyableness and longevity of the natural attraction.
HAMILTON — The Marion County Lake will soon be the site of more than $3 million in structural improvements after more than two years of negotiations directed by Rep. Tracy Estes (R-Winfield) and Sen. Garlan Gudger (R-Cullman).
Brilliant Mayor Perry Franks presents town water clerk Ann Davis with a plaque recognizing her 25 years of service on May 9 at Cedar Landing with Brilliant council members, town employees and other guests in attendance during a retirement celebration held in her honor.
BRILLIANT — Brilliant Town Water Clerk Ann Davis has mixed emotions about her retirement this Friday, May 31.
Marvie Marchbanks is the manager of the Marion County Farmers Market in Weston
HAMILTON — The Marion County Farmers Market will open for the season on Saturday, June 1, at 7 a.m. in the old Weston fire station at 2151 Bexar Avenue West.
HAMILTON — Keith Brumley, 63, of Hackleburg, was indicted on April 24, 2024, on charges of use of official position or office for personal gain and theft of property, first degree.
Brilliant’s CoalFest musical lineup will include Area 51 on Friday night, May 24, and The Georgia Thunderbolts and Lee Roy Parnell on Saturday, May 25, along with other local and national acts.
BRILLIANT — The 23rd Annual CoalFest in Brilliant will kick off this Friday, May 24, at 5 p.m. with local legend Lloyd Moses taking the stage first, a feat he continues to accomplish each and every year to the delight of all involved in the festival.